
Student Research and Publishing Program is committed to turning science students into student scientists. We have developed a program to achieve this, the Student Research and Publishing Program (SRPP) for secondary school science. A detailed description of the program, its effects on student learning, and how to implement it at your school is available. Download the SRPP Description and Model for Implementation.

Developing an Original Research Topic
Sometimes it is difficult for students (and teachers) to decide on a topic of research that is interesting, original, and successfully completed within the time and equipment limits of a typical secondary school science course. Here is a document that is used at International School Bangkok to help students select a research topic.

Publishing the Original Research of Secondary School Science Students
For schools which have already integrated original research into their science programs, but are unable to establish an in-house journal, offers the option of publishing student research in the International Scholastic Journal of Science. The ISJOS is an entry-level, open-access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing the original research of secondary school science students. Contact the Editor of the ISJOS if you are interested in submitting a paper for publication.

Workshops & Conferences conducts workshops and presentations on the Student Research and Publishing Program and how to implement it. If you are interested in organizing a workshop or presentation, please contact

Training & Support
We also provide support to schools in the process of implementing the Student Research and Publishing Program. Both in-person and online support is provided throughout the implementation process. Please contact for more details on obtaining support during SRPP implementation.